Domain services that already do what you need
Explore the enterprise-grade, functionality-packed, domain services in theHub. They work together to implement billions of use cases.
Manage app users
Sign up users, with built-in OTP flow and password expiration. Authenticate users, with built-in change password flow. Manage sessions, with built in session timeout management. Support PCI requirements for password management, and more.
Manage financial accounts
Manage financial accounts and transactions. Relate accounts, relate transactions, and associate parties, agreements, cards, products, and more.
Manage contracts
Manage and track any agreement, application, or contract, whether as simple as a Terms & Conditions agreement, or as complex as a 4" high SBA loan application. Track contract events, and associate files, terms, assets, parties, work, and more.
Manage assessments & checklists
Define and upload assessment and checklist templates, and associate with people, organizations, tasks, regulations, places, information assets, financial products, vendors, and more, with rollup ratings.
Plan the Spending of Money
Define and manage spending over for any date range. Create hierarchies of budget items to track detailed breakdowns of spending. Associate people, organizations, orders, requirements, or geographic boundaries with budgets. Track budget statuses, and revisions.
Manage contact info
Manage phone numbers, addresses, email addreses, urls, or contact info of your own type. Assign toanyperson or organization by purpose (e.g. 'work', 'primary', etc.) Assign to any geographic boundary, building or other location, tracking event, invoice, order, and more.
Manage files and images
Upload, manage, and retrieve files, images, folders, and archives. Associate with other files, or with people, organizations, agreements, products, tasks, functions, requirements, work efforts, campaigns, and more, via specific purposes.
When uploading images, use a simple "thumbspec" to automatically generate thumbnails, stored with the original image.
Manage encompassing areas
Manage and apply encompassing areas, such as political or business boundaries, including counties, cities, states, countries, cities, postal codes, and territories, or your own. Contain boundaries within other boundaries.
Comes preloaded with all countries in the world (with ISO codes), all time zones in the world, and all U.S. states and territories.
Apply to budget items, postal addresses, person licenses, and price components.
Manage GL Accounts
Create and manage general ledgers, charts of accounts, and journal entries. Manage and track by standard or custom accounting periods. Track by organization, subsidiaries, and nested subsidiaries.
Uses a high-precision math engine for calculations, supporting values up to 1 quadrillion, with mathematical accuracy to five places after the decimal point.
Manage & track inventory
Manage and track product inventory. Track inventory items by location, or sub-location, right down to a shelf or bin. Track by product, and through invoices and billing. Supports serialized inventory items, such as piles of small items.
Do high-precision math
Perform highly precise mathematical operations and comparisons with theHub's math engine. Use integer or floating point values up to plus or minus 1,125,899,906,842,624.00000 (over 1 quadrillion), with accuracy to five decimal places after the decimal point. No more floating point math troubles.
Supports multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, exponents, modulo, absolute value, and comparison operations.
Manage orders
Create, manage, and track orders flexibly. Track order statuses, and manage any number of line items per order, optionally with separate delivery dates, and shipping instructions. Track one or more products per line item.
Attach an unlimited number of parties to an order via standard or custom order role types, and attach one or more pieces of contact information, via standard or custom purposes.
Automatically generate invoices, and more.
Manage organizations
Create, manage, and track organizations, and organization hierarchies, whether businesses, government agencies, departments, holding companies, subsidiaries, or any other type of organization.
Create standard or custom relationships between organizations, or between people and organizations. Create hierarchies, org charts, groups, graphs, and networks.
Track any organization relation to any of thousands of other things, such as all types of people, agreements, accounts, places, orders, tasks, functions, requirements, files, campaigns, and more.
Manage people
Manage personal profiles. Create and assign roles, relationships, and statuses. Manage a person's files, profile images, marital status, roles, relationships, contact information, financial accounts, followers, reviews, and more.
Create groups, graphs, and networks between people, or between people and organizations.
Track any person in relation to any of thousands of other things, such as all types of organizations, agreements, accounts, places, orders, tasks, functions, requirements, files, campaigns, and more.
Manage locations
Manage and track any kind of location or facility, regardless of size or complexity, from an empty lot, to an entire hospital campus, including all of the buildings, floors, rooms, and closets, right down to individual containers.
Track any location in relation to any of thousands of other things, such as, people, organizations, inventory, tasks, projects, products, files, contact info, risk ratings, and more.
Manage products
Manage any set of goods or services. Manage product catalogs, product packages, images, and categories. Assign multiple categories to a product, and create product category trees where products are searchable by ancestor categories.
Manage product features in fine detail, with full, dynamic control of product feature categories, functional settings, and options. Assign features to product categories, and control feature functions by category.
Track products in relation to thousands of other things, such as people, suppliers, organizations, orders, invoices, work, work requirements, agreements, financial accounts, files, inventory, risk ratings, and more.
Manage needs
Manage requirements, that is, any need, request, rule, code, law, plan, or other requirement.
Manage and track the association between requirements, and people, organizations, and thousands of other things, such as products, files, agreements, inventory, places, and more.
Manage risk
Manage risks, mitigating controls, and associate with people, organizations, tasks, regulations, places, information assets, financial products, vendors, and more, with rollup ratings.
Has been used to build robust Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) solutions, and is an ideal platform on which to build an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) solution.
Manage risk ratings
Manage risk ratings and associate them with thousands of other things.
Create risk rating trees with automatic rollup calculation.
Has been used in robust Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) solutions, and is an ideal platform on which to build an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) solution.
Track interactions
Easily track interactions in the analog world, or across channels, devices, and solutions. Keep a record of clicks, purchases, user behavior, phone calls, meetings, file uploads, or any other type of interaction.
Manage and analyze interactions by millions of other things, such as, people, organizations, products, files, payments, agreements, places, work, requirements, and many more.
Manage and track activities
Manage and track work, organized activities, processes, operations, tasks, workflows, campaigns, etc.
Manage and track the association between work efforts, and people, organizations, and thousands of other things, such as products, files, agreements, inventory, places, and more.
Keep track of your numbers
Vestibulum varius est libero, sit amet pellentesque nulla malesuada quis. Proin rhoncus mollis nunc ullamcorper auctor. Integer placerat eros faucibus turpis viverra molestie.
Vestibulum varius est libero, sit amet pellentesque nulla malesuada quis. Proin rhoncus mollis nunc ullamcorper auctor. Integer placerat eros faucibus turpis viverra molestie.
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To receive
Vestibulum varius est libero, sit amet pellentesque nulla malesuada quis. Proin rhoncus mollis nunc ullamcorper auctor. Integer placerat eros faucibus turpis viverra molestie.
See what our clients say
Mauris non pellentesque leo. Phasellus a tellus in velit tempor tempor at eget augue!
Duis facilisis magna quis tempus vestibulum, nulla tristique mollis arcu id faucibus. Donec tristique ornare ipsum, ut molestie quam feugiat aliquet.
Mauris facilisis mi id tempus fringilla, nam vulputate eros sit amet elit bibendum accumsan. Aenean at odio imperdiet.
Mauris facilisis mi id tempus fringilla, nam vulputate eros sit amet elit bibendum accumsan. Aenean at odio imperdiet.
Mauris non pellentesque leo. Phasellus a tellus in velit tempor tempor at eget augue!
Duis facilisis magna quis tempus vestibulum, nulla tristique mollis arcu id faucibus. Donec tristique ornare ipsum, ut molestie quam feugiat aliquet.
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