theHub is already running what you need
Do you need to develop a web app, mobile app, or SaaS offering? Don't build, maintain, and operate what's already done. theHub™ implements a comprehensive and intuitive REST API that covers hundres of unified business domain areas and billions of use cases.
Most Development is Redundant
About 75% of the parts of apps, frontend and backend, are common to other apps. Yet they are continually redeveloped all around the world. Through our unique vision and design, and years of work, we've built a running backend system that already handles the 75% on the backend.
We also cover the remaining 25% for you. We've developed a one-of-a-kind process to assemble targeted, industrial strength business apps ("lenses") within days, that exceed the capabilities of systems that the largest of companies use.
...OR build your own frontend using theHub API !
theHub™ implements 245 core, unified domain areas, that are configurable and share data with each other, to provide a solid foundation for future app feature expansion.
theHub™ implements the most comprehensive business data model in the world, and provides a unified view for all of your apps and systems to use or update.
theHub™ implements the most comprehensive business API in the world, and goes beyond simple CRUD operations, with intuitive and simple resource names, and many optional params. Multi-action business operations are performed as single, pass-fail transactions.
Use theHub's REST API with popular frameworks such as Angular, React, Vue, WebFlow, or from languages such as Python, Java, PHP, JavaScript and others.
Keep track of your numbers
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To receive
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See what our clients say
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Duis facilisis magna quis tempus vestibulum, nulla tristique mollis arcu id faucibus. Donec tristique ornare ipsum, ut molestie quam feugiat aliquet.
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with theHub
You tell us about your business, and then we show you...